Switzerland is a picturesque and wonderful country located in the central Europe that amazes with its beautiful lakes, magni- ficent nature and breathtaking Swiss Alps.
Apart from legendary chocolate, delicious Swiss cheese and the most secure banks, Switzerland is famous for its pure ecology, crystal clean al- pine air and the force of its vegetable life. Ever innovative, the Swiss have always embraced the new, innovative and the experimental. The genuine combination of biotechnologies, Swiss heritage, expertise and power of nature originates into the leading industry of beauty and anti-aging medi- cine with unsurpassed result and excellence.
Located in an idyllic Swiss environment, along the Lake Léman on which the majesty of the Alps is reflected, Geneva symbolizes today an art of living in a luxurious plentitude and proposes a comprehensive center MEDERIC Clinic, dedi- cated to the well-being and the harmony of the body & spirit.
Swiss Bellefontaine Health and Wellness Center at Gene- va Mederi Clinic is pleased to welcome each patient and to offer a range of highly specific revitalizing and indivi- dualized anti-aging medical treatments according to their needs

Dr. Salti is a surgeon with a degree from Louis Pasteur University in Strasbourg, France. Head of Cell Therapy Unit at Geneva Mederi Clinic. He also holds a degree in Urology, Andrology, Micro-Surgery, Cancerology and Robotic Surgery. He has several scientific publications and surgical procedure to his credit. His latest research is about an innovative and promising treatment for erectile dysfunction through cell therapy. Also his humanitarian activity leads him to intervene in different countries every year.

In the 1890s, Emil von Behring and Shibasaburo kitasato was ones of the first researchers who revolutionized the world of medicine by demonstrating that those animals that are resistant to diphtheria and tetanus could pro- duce substances of unknown nature, which protect them against this infection.
These substances are identified as being highly specific antibodies (or intelligent proteins) that play a key role in the fight against diseases. A long time ago the nature had already developed this process in order to protect the living organisms against infections.
During pregnancy, the passage of maternal antibodies to the fetus, through the placenta, to protect the child against infections.
Breastfeeding also allows the passage of protective maternal antibodies to the newborn.

Since 1930, several famous researchers established an original method of treatment based on the selective application of these types of cell-specific proteins.
The elaborated therapy, based on these intelligent proteins, stimulates the natural capacities of the orga- nism which results in the stop of a negative evolution and the return to optimal functions.
The efficacy of these highly cell-specific proteins, which is proven by many studies with animals and humans, is durable for a long term.
Jean Thomas, Professor of pathological anatomy in Carthagena and Chief of the laboratory of Sacred Heart Hospitalin Shangai carried on these researches and developed this concept in Switzerland. He succeeded in coordinating and adjusting the researches for developing the therapeutic immunomodulation wich is used in Swiss Bellefontaine Anti-Aging and Revitalization Therapy.
Some immunologists directed their researches on the antibodies structure and the immune system:
In 1972, Professor Rodney Porter received the Nobel Prize for his discovery about the chemical structure of antibodies. Also in 1972, Professor Gerald Edelman received the Nobel Prize in medecine for his researches on the immune system.

Revitalization, in the true meaning of the term, revitalizes the organism and helps to obtain a better quality of life in the best possible way. Therapy is based on the selective application of highly specific antibodies (or intelligent proteins) that play a key role in the fight against diseases & improvement of functioning of all the organism’s physiological systems. Revitalization, durable for a long-term, impro- ves physical and intellectual performance & stimulates the natural capacities of the organism, resulting in the stop of a negative evolu- tion and regulation of the metabolic functions.
The effectiveness of the Swiss Bellefontaine Revitalization treatment acts on homeostasis, which affects the ability of the body to main- tain or regain its operating balance despite constant changes in the external environment.
A specific biological treatment, adjusted to each person, is offered within a medical framework, in compliance with a precise protocol. Intensive research has led to the development of an exclusive process, unique in the world, for the purification and viral inac- tivation of a set of immunological means for modulating the deficient cellular functions.
The cell-specific proteins for Swiss Bellefontaine Revitalization Treatment are produced in response to the immunization by a set of cells by a herd of horses of exclusive origin with a perfect health, hyper-immu- nized by homologous tissues.
Each horse is under permanent veterinary control & strict vegetarian diet that meet the requirements of international quality standards, while each treatment is certified in accordance with International Quality & Safety Standards and Swiss Health authorities.
Highly specific antibodies (intelligent proteins) are capable of identifying deficient target cells and attaching characteristic structures to the cell surface according to the «key-lock» principle. Specific protein will bind to receptors located on the cell membrane and induce a specific immune response of your orga- nism, stimulating the biological activities of the cell nucleus and encouraging the target cell to regain its physiological homeostasis. Homeostasis is thus ob- tained by stimulating the self-regulating capabilities of the target cell.

Reduction of vitality, lack of energy, weak immune system, increase of the physical marks of maturity & premature aging, hormonal disturbances, endo- crine disorders, sexual failures, depressive diseases, degenerative problems, detoxification problems. We target specifically each cell type but also, we can act on cells of the main physiological systems.
Preliminary health check-up is requested & thorough clinical examinations carried out at the time of visit in order to establish a precise diagnosis and propose the specific treatments according to the needs of the patient.

As a result, products used for Swiss Bellefontaine Revitalization treatments are certified in accor- dance with International Quality and Safety Standards.

Basic research shows that each type of protein administered specifically recognizes deficient target cells.
The specific proteins of the immune system recognize lymphocytes that are part of the immune system, but do not recognize the cells of the cardiac system.
Another example: the specific proteins of the nervous system recognize the cells of the nervous system, but not the cells of the digestive system.
- General reduction in vitality and lack of energy,
- Physical and/or psychological tire- dness,
- Tendency of depression,
- Burn-out syndrome or occupational stress,
- Weakening of the immune system,
- Premature aging of various organs or systems : heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, digestive system, blood circulation, etc...
- Osteoarthritis,
- Endocrine disorders,
- Problems related to the menopause,
- Sexual impotency,
- Stress related effects on homeostatic system,
- Chronic pains : migraines, hea- daches, neuralgia, back pains, sciati- ca, etc...
- Arteriosclerosis, pathologies of the cardiovascular system,
- Post-operative problems,
- Sequels of illnesses.

Membrane protein allows the specific detection of molecules including the signaling molecules (hormones, growth factors, interleukins, specific antibodies, etc.) and triggers a cascade of so-called signal transduction biochemical reactions often using protein kinases. This signal triggers a modification of the functions of the cell.

Revitalization targets each cell type specifically, acting on the cells of major physiological systems such as the neuro-vegetative, immune, endocrine, circulatory system or digestive.
Immunoregulatory effect: stimulation of the immune system
Correction or a specific regulation of the metabolic functions
Targeted stimulation of endocrine, circulatory, digestive systems & the male urogenital system.
Neutralization of the hormonal disturbances
Treatment of the supporting tissues: increased skin elasticity, better flexibility of collagen fibers.
Better functioning of all of the organism’s physiolo- gical systems: an increased vital energy, an impro- vement of physical and intellectual performance, a better resistance to aggressive agents that cause diseases, increased capacity for resistance to the stress, treatment of behavioral disorders, reduction of apathy, improved memory and concentration power, a clear reduction of tiredness, treatment of sleep disorders, a younger and healthier skin.
First phase of treatment: The specific treatments are managed every day during the period of 3 or 5 days, depending on the medical status. The medical team in place ensures the best possible condi- tions of the course and the follow-up of the treatment.
Second phase of treatment: This first stage must be followed by the appli- cation of a long-term therapy which conti- nues over 3 months.
Complementary treatments: According to the particular needs, a proakind of thera- pies such as nutritional advice, massages, or any other kind of adapted care.
Stem cell therapy is an innovative and minimally invasive treatment that uses your own adult stem cells to treat injuries and chronic illnesses. The procedure provides your body the potential to heal itself naturally, neutralize inflammation, regenerate the skin and slow down the aging process.
Stem Cell Treatment poses no risk of rejection at the same time rebuilding your own healthy tissue. By using adult stem cells from your own adipose (fat) tissue, the body accepts the new tissue as its own, eliminating the risk of rejection. It is minimally invasive in contrast to traditional treatments such as joint replacement and does not require a long recovery – stem cell patients can return to work in 1–2 days.
Stem cells are the “construction workers” of the body’s repair mechanism, that maintain and initiate the healing of damaged tissue and replenish dying or damaged cells. The highest concentration of Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells (ADSC) is found in adipose (fat) tissue that comes from the thighs of the patient-donor. The fat tissue is collected during surgical liposuction procedure under general or local anesthesia. After the extraction, the fat sample of the patient is immediately sent to the Swiss Stem Cell Foundation (SSCF) laboratory in Zurich, where stem cells are isolated, purified and conditioned. The stem cell extract returns to GENEVA MEDERI CLINIC in 24 hours and the day after collection, it is injected into the subdermal tissue of the patient (e.g. the face, the neck, etc), keeping the surrounding tissues young, active, rejuvenated and resistant. Regenerative pro- cess – begins within the first 3 months, continues for up to 1 year.

The collection and re-injection of autologous stem cells represents the future of anti-aging aesthetic medicine. It is about using the natural resources of one’s own body to regenerate the skin and slow down its aging.

Promotion of the repair response of diseased, dysfunctional or injured tissue.
Inhibition of progressive or degenerative diseases.
“Interventional pain-management”- relief of chronic pain & difficult-to-heal injuries: osteoarthritis knee pain, tennis elbow, shoulder pains, rotator cuff inju- ries, tendonitis, Achilles tendon injuries, cardiovascu- lar diseases, atherosclerosis.
Stimulation of collagen production & rejuvenation. Generation of the blood vessel tissues.
Increase of functionality, range of motion, flexibility and sleep quality.
Healing of the skin wounds, prevention of formation of scar tissue and reduction of hair loss.
Better quality of life for the patient.
(PRP) treatment, which is based on the patient’s own blood, is the highly efficient and innovative treatment in anti-aging medicine that naturally rejuvenates the skin, makes it more supple, elastic and firmed. PRP injections help significantly to eliminate the appea- rance of wrinkles & fine lines, bring radiance to the skin, restore to- nicity, even the skin tone, and reactivate the hair bulbs encouraging regrowth, when injected into the scalp.
PRP therapy is 100% secure with no risk of disease transmission, allergic reaction or rejection. It is easy, fast & natural: does not require complex surgical procedures & effective way to relaunch the body’s own repair mechanisms.
For PRP treatment a sample of your blood is collec- ted depending on the area where it will be injected afterwards (25 – 50 ml). The blood is placed into a machine for about 3 minutes. A doctor takes the separated platelets diluted with plasma and prepares it for injection into the targeted area. The normal activity can be resumed after several hours. New ses- sions could be suggested each 3–6 months in order to improve the skin regeneration process. For other diseases 3 sessions are recommended with 2 weeks interval between each other.

Venous and arterial leg ulcers; Hair loss disorders; First and second degree thermal burns; Facial reju- venation (face, neck, neckline, etc.); Post-traumatic scars; Dark spots; Acne and pore tightening; Stretch- marks; Wounds and diabetic ulcers; Tissue healing; Rheumatology: tendinitis, osteoarthritis, etc.; Arthrosis.

Facial rejuvenation – stimulation of dermal stem cells that produce collagen and elastin.
«Vampire Lift»- the prevention of aging of the skin, natural hydration, instant radiance effect.
Treatment of skin imperfections – reduction of dark circles, elimination of the appearance of all type of scars (acne scars, accidental scars or scars after sur- gery), treatment of stretch marks.
Capillary stimulation – slows down the hair loss and stimulate its regrowth.
Intimate rejuvenation – vaginal labia, to restore fir- mness and tone.
Improvement of sexual function – stimulation of blood vessel growth ( vaginal atrophy and dryness), sensiti- vity increase for women (increasing orgasm feeling by G point stimulation and nerve regeneration),Erection improvement for men (recently described and improved by the works of Dr SALTI).
Chelation is a medical procedure designed to eliminate the pre- sence of harmful metals in the body using a chemical or orga- nic chelating agent. When metals like lead, mercury, iron, and arsenic build up in your body, in subsequence of consumption of polluted water or heavily polluted air, they can be toxic. Chela- tion therapy is a treatment that uses medicine to remove these metals and purified your blood so they don’t make you sick.
Contribute to the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and arteriosclerosis; Contribute to the treatment of endocrinopathies (pre-diabetes, some kinds of hypothyroidism and osteoroporo- sis), Wilson disease...
Chelation therapy uses special drugs that bind to metals in your blood. The patient gets the chelating medicine through a slow intravenous (IV) injection in the arm. Once the drug has attached to the metal, your body removes them both through the urination
Chelation therapy is a very effective way to remove several heavy metals from blood, including: lead, arsenic, mercury, iron, copper, nickel. Before getting the treatment, your doctor will do a blood and urine test to make sure you have metal poisoning.
Contradictions: kidney failure, coagulopathies, liver cirrhosis or taking anticoagulants. Chelation therapy requires the use of powerful chelators, hence before accepting the treatment we strongly recommend to get a professional advice from the doctor.
In Geneva Mederi Clinic, there is an opportunity to discover the benefits of the cosmetic products Bellefontaine, which get their anti-aging virtues from the marvelous natural resources of the Swiss Alps.
Bellefontaine products offer an overall “360 degrees” anti-aging approach and are 100% made in Swit- zerland. Based on natural and precious ingredients, pure glacier water and more recent biotechnology discoveries, they arouse the desire by the force of their qualities. The aim is to fight against soft inflam- mation, one of the main causes of skin aging, through the creation of a unique and revolutionary complex EDELGEN®.

Bellefontaine products offer an overall “360 degrees” anti-aging approach and are 100% made in Swit- zerland. Based on natural and precious ingredients, pure glacier water and more recent biotechnology discoveries, they arouse the desire by the force of their qualities. The aim is to fight against soft inflam- mation, one of the main causes of skin aging, through the creation of a unique and revolutionary complex EDELGEN®.

Bellefontaine is proud to offer a variety of lines of essential treatments for face and body: Cleansing, Moisturizing, Anti-Aging, Lightening, Purifying, precious anti-aging care with caviar, new Cellstemine treatments with plant stem cells, specific products for the lips, Suncare, Body and exclu- sive line for Men. Our experts will be pleased to offer to each client an individual choice of beauty treatment adapted to their skincare type.
Our team of professionals will be happy to help you with the hotel reservation in order to make your stay in Geneva comfortable and unforgettable. For your kind attention we are pleased to offer you a choice of the best 5-star hotels, located in the heart of Geneva with a majestic view over the lake Leman.

An elegant boutique hotel at the edge of Lake Leman with magnificent views of the famous Jet d’Eau and Mont Blanc. This hotel is famous for its British charm with the finest Swiss hospitality.